Hello, .
Last seen: Wed 14 Mar 2025, 12:29
Balance: 0$

To gain access to a private chat box, you need to have 500$+ at your "Total ammount:" history!

Refund POLICY!

-- Click "Check?" button in ur cart after purchase to get refund if card is bad!
- Checker refund time - 20 minutes!
- We deactivated checker for WORLD cards, as it dont check it correctly!
- Checker activated for USA and CANADA cards only!
- We may limit check time for any account, if user refund rate very low!
- Checker may kill cards so use it on your own risk!

General rules

- By registering on the site you automatically agree with service rules.
- There’s no minimum payment or registration fee on the site.
- All inactive accounts will be blocked after 30 days!
- Funds are credited automatically. (To add money with Western Union system contact support)
- The funds credited to the user account cannot be refunded.
- Administration reserves the right to refuse rendering services, registration or delete an account without explanation.

- All recharges, purchases, returns, refunds - in AUTO MODE!
- Minimum deposit is 15 USD! (If you send less ammount - you will lost it!!!)
- Refund not possible! - if u have unused credits on user ballance.
- Every order limited max 100 CVV's!
- You can search 100 BIN'S in 1 request only!
- You can search 100 ZIP'S in 1 request only!
- In order to avoid conflict situations, please check information that you need before funding account!

Payment method

We accept BitCOIN and WU/MG. With BTC u can top up your balance at shop's billing page!

If you have any questions or suggestions, the service has a ticket system.
To get a response, please, follow these rules:

- The request should be in English only.
- Indicate the subject.
- Describe in details the problem you faced with.
- One question – one message.
- Forbidden to create multiple queries with the same problem!
- If the message text contains any abusive words or threats, this user will be banned in the service..
Speed 0.0114521

Contact Support via ticket!